I've just gotta brag about what an awesome hubby I have! We've truly been having "Adventures in Jacksonhood" lately and Billy has been so awesome in stepping it up to support me in the things I'm trying to accomplish. Every day he gets the kids ready, takes Will to and from school, brings Tom to me at work so I can feed him, cleans the house, does laundry, takes over breakfast, lunch, and often dinner (including these 3 meals for me), and watches the kids all day while I'm gone. On top of all that he still manages to get work done at home and he never complains. How he does it, I have no clue. But I really appreciate it and can't get over how lucky I am. Those of you who know and love Billy probably aren't surprised at this but I'm constantly reminded every day in a million little ways how lucky I am. I love ya, babe!